To create a logo we can use service sites on the Internet, that is, Please follow the following steps:
1. Please open address
2. Then click on a Logo Design
3. Click on the picture logo examples that you liked
4. Write the text you want in a logo made in writing beside Logo Text. Eg: Blog Tutorial
5. Write the desired size in the next paper Text Size. Example: 50
6. Click the logo colors besides the existing text box to select the color Text Color text (text). Please select a color pal who likes
7. Select the format of image file formats in addition to writing. should. JPG or. GIF
8. Click the button that reads Render Logo Design
9. Wait a few moments when the process of making a logo lasts
10. See the results of the logo, it fits or not? if not match, click on Edit this logo repeat the above step, change you wanted. If it matches, click on Download Image to our store on our PC
11. Done. You already have a logo.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Create a logo and image buton ONLINE
2:18 AM
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