Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Search Engine Friendly for Joomla 1.5.x

What is the SEF? SEF stands for Search Engine Friendly, whose function is to maximize search engine indexing keyword in making it easier for search results close to the right keyword. In default, addresses a very long URLs in Joomla example:

It is now available several extensions to change the URL address into "friendly". There are several extensions that are used to set the display URL. For more details, please download at the official address of Joomla

In the case study here, I am using Joomla! sh404SEF which is a security component and manages title and meta tags: automatic or manual tag for each page. This extension works with or without. Htaccess file. If you are using some component like Joomfish, sh404SEF is fully compatible. Caching system for high speed and very small DB queries overhead.
Support many components natively, using sef_ext from OpenSEF / SEF Advanced. VirtueMart, FireBoard, Community Builder, mosetsTree, HotProperty, Sobi2, Docman, myBlog, iJoomla Magazine, News Portal, Remository and more supported natively.

1. Okay, first download the file here sh404SEF (Download)
2. Once stored in the computer, go to the Administrator page and select the menu Extensions> Install / Uninstall.


3.Click the Browse button to select the files to be uploaded


4.Select the file and press Open button sh404SEF
  1. slametriyanto-sef-1

5. Click the Upload File & Install for the installation process.


6. Wait a few minutes until the installation is complete.


7. Now arrange the URL configuration , click the Configuration sh404SEF.


8. Turn on the Main tab, then select Yes on the radio buttons.


9. Enable Tab By component, and set everything to use default handler.


10. When finished click Save button to save.


11. If a message appears, click the OK button.


12. Look at the result, URL addresses before using the SEF.


14. URLs Display after using the SEF.



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